
Nordic-Baltic Arts Festival Conference 2018

Nordic-Baltic Arts Festival Conference 2018

The 2018 Conference of the NordicBaltic Festival Platform will take place on 22-24 October 2018 in Gdansk, Poland.

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Last event date: Wednesday, October 24 2018 7:00PM

The Conference will bring together managers and artistic directors of festivals from all fields of art and culture to exchange ideas and best practices, make new connections and explore various possibilities for cooperation, while attending some great Polish performances. This year's programme is put together with the support of the theatre director and arts innovator Airan Berg. Keynote speech by renowned Swedish artist and choreographer Efva Lilja.

Hosted by / Venue:
Baltic Sea Cultural Centre / Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury

Participation fees:
- 79 EUR early-bird rate until 30th September
- 129 EUR regular rate from 1st September
- 59 EUR student rate

Our offer

Music Everywhere podbiło serca publiczności, przyciągając dziesiątki tysięcy fanów na swoje koncerty KARUZELA GNA. Teraz ruszają z jej drugą odsłoną: KARUZELA GNA - NOWA EDYCJA. Na scenie zabrzmi jeszcze więcej polskich przebojów, które przeniosą Cię w nostalgiczne wspomnienia i dostarczą niezapomnianych emocji.

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